This handbag scores highly on two fronts, the fact that it is ostrich design leather in this tan colour which is always extremely popular and the fact that it is a Waldybag, always a sought after brand with it's history of making handbags used by members of the Royal family, including HM The Queen. This is a beautiful example. The style is very attractive, with the border of stitching around the front edge and the Waldybag, almost trademark feature, where the handles join the handbag on the front. The clasp is a familiar design in excellent untarnished condition. We would describe the exterior of the handbag as being in pristine condition, it looks quite like new. The suede lining however is not pristine. It is in excellent condition for a handbag which is 50 odd years old. It does have marks of use, particularly on the folds of the handbag where it opens and closes, also on the base and it has a round mark ( visible on the photos) on the main slip pocket, which presumably is residue from a sticker. Apart from this, the lining has no major marks or stains and is very useable.
A stylish handbag which is excellent quality from a sought after brand, becoming increasingly rare to find, particularly in excellent condition. Ostrich skin handbags are very popular at the moment with a number of designers creating modern versions. Check out the Mulberry ones and come back and buy this...Perfect gift for her
It is 10" x 8" x 3"
A stylish handbag which is excellent quality from a sought after brand, becoming increasingly rare to find, particularly in excellent condition. Ostrich skin handbags are very popular at the moment with a number of designers creating modern versions. Check out the Mulberry ones and come back and buy this...Perfect gift for her
It is 10" x 8" x 3"