This is a very elegant top quality handbag in a dark navy superb quality leather, made by Widegate a company which made handbags for high end stores such as Harrods and Selfridges and other high end department stores around the country. It is a good size for all your essentials and it definitely looks quality. The chain on the front is a very attractive gilt one, which has gradually worn to look slightly silver but it is not scratched at all, just a gentle diminution of the gilt. The handle slides through two loops on the top of the handbag to carry as a handbag or when slid flat can be carried as a clutch bag. The handbag has an 'old money' look to it, as though inherited with the family estate (no, not the old Volvo). The inside of the handbag is lined in navy leather, which is in excellent condition with few signs of use. It has zipped and slip pockets and the Widegate label is to be found above the zipped pocket.
An absolutely super, very classy and classic handbag, which is bang on trend at the moment and would look excellent with any of the 70s fashions currently in vogue. The handle can be folded against the bag to be used as a clutch and the gilt trim to the front adds a touch of elegance. Perfect gift for her
It is 12" x 6" x 3"
An absolutely super, very classy and classic handbag, which is bang on trend at the moment and would look excellent with any of the 70s fashions currently in vogue. The handle can be folded against the bag to be used as a clutch and the gilt trim to the front adds a touch of elegance. Perfect gift for her
It is 12" x 6" x 3"