This is a rare and striking handbag made from Karung snakeskin by Waldybag, one of the top brands in vintage handbags. The handbag is of superb quality and in excellent overall condition. It has obviously been used, there is some wear and breaks in the skin to a couple of the handles where they join the handbag but this is superficial and does not affect the strength of the handles and is not too obvious because of the pattern of the skin. The skin itself is Karung, a water snake which has a texture more like lizard skin than a land based snake. Apart from the wear to the handles the rest of the skins are in excellent supple condition with no cracks or splits. The gilt clasp is in a design popular with Waldybags of the era, it is still shiny but does have some scratches from use. The inside of the handbag is lined in soft suede in pale tan, it has the usual Waldybag three slip pocket arrangement with the lozenge shaped snakeskin panel above, on which is embossed in gilt the Waldybag brand name. The lining is clean with minimal signs of use, obviously well looked after. The handbag has been kept in the original box, a further sign that although used, the handbag has been well cared for.
A gorgeous, rare and striking handbag, one of the flagship Waldybags which were made in the finest leathers and exotic skins and now probably unique. This would make a perfect wedding handbag and is suitable to wear anywhere a smart or 'occasion' bag is required but could also be dressed down for casual wear.
It is 11" x 7" x 3"
A gorgeous, rare and striking handbag, one of the flagship Waldybags which were made in the finest leathers and exotic skins and now probably unique. This would make a perfect wedding handbag and is suitable to wear anywhere a smart or 'occasion' bag is required but could also be dressed down for casual wear.
It is 11" x 7" x 3"