This is a large handbag, in a great colour from one of the top end brands of the era, Fassbender. Such is the quality of these handbags that there are examples of them in the V&A museum in London. The condition of this handbag is excellent, there are obviously a few small marks on the leather, mainly from age and storage rather than from use but at a glance these are not noticeable. The popper holding the strap over the top is in excellent condition, as is the strap. The two outside slip pockets are lined in a lovely bright red grosgrain which is clean with no marks or stains. The clasp to the main compartment is still shiny with no scratches or tarnish. The base has had studs in the past but these are no longer on the base,The inside of the handbag doesn't disappoint either. It is lined in beige fine suede, which is clean with just the odd mark to the bottom which is visible in the photos and a few age speckles to the sides, also visible in the photos but not as noticeable in reality. The label with Fassbender made in England is sewn into the lining.
This is a gorgeous handbag which is in excellent condition, it is fantastic quality and in a great size and colour, large enough for all essentials and more and easily robust enough to be used on a regular basis. These don't come up often, especially in this colour so a great find. It is priced to reflect the missing studs and the minor marks to the lining.
It is 11.5" x 9.5" x 4"