This is a beautiful handbag from sought after brand Mappin and Webb, the world renowned company which holds several Royal warrants but no longer sells these classic handbags. This is a rich dark chocolate brown, the lizard skin has a very glossy patina and has obviously been extremely well looked after. There is no damage or wear at all to the exterior of the handbag, including the handle, which looks unused. The gilt clasp is firm and closes with a very satisfying click. The pale beige suede lining is clean and in excellent condition, with only three tiny brown spots on the base, clearly visible in the picture of the lining, to show it has been used.
This classic style of handbag is becoming extremely popular as an antidote to the huge shoulder bags we have become used to, for carrying almost all our possessions around with us. Sometimes it's a relief to make like the ladies who lunch and jettison the laptop, netbook, ipad, Kindle, iPhone (well okay keep the iPhone) for a few hours and travel light with just handkerchief, lipstick, credit card, keys......they'll fit in.
This handbag is gift quality and a classic that will last a lifetime. Becoming increasingly rare to find in great condition the Mappin & Webb handbags are particularly popular as gifts, as they are in a timeless design and sought after recognisable high end brand.
It is 10" x 8" x 2.5"
This classic style of handbag is becoming extremely popular as an antidote to the huge shoulder bags we have become used to, for carrying almost all our possessions around with us. Sometimes it's a relief to make like the ladies who lunch and jettison the laptop, netbook, ipad, Kindle, iPhone (well okay keep the iPhone) for a few hours and travel light with just handkerchief, lipstick, credit card, keys......they'll fit in.
This handbag is gift quality and a classic that will last a lifetime. Becoming increasingly rare to find in great condition the Mappin & Webb handbags are particularly popular as gifts, as they are in a timeless design and sought after recognisable high end brand.
It is 10" x 8" x 2.5"